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Common Pests in Humid and Moist Weather

admin • January 30, 2020
Rat On Moist Weather — Newport News VA — E & R Exterminating Company, Inc.
Moisture issues in the home and pest infestations may seem like separate problems but experts understand the connection between the two. Many pests prefer damp environments. All homeowners need to control the amount of moisture in their homes to avoid encouraging pest problems. Here are some potential pests attracted to damp areas. 

Keep Out All Earwigs
Earwigs seek moisture-rich areas because they feed on the plants and insects often found in those areas. Earwigs do not pose any danger to humans, but many people are uncomfortable with their appearance. The pests also do not cause damage to homes, but their appetite for plants can make them a danger to house plants and gardens.

Avoid Spider Crickets
Spider crickets or camel crickets make their homes in caves and areas with rotting wood, but they are also fond of damp basements. Drains, sewers, and anywhere damp can become a comfortable living space for the crickets.

Camel crickets do not chirp or bite, but the insects can grow up to 1.5 inches long and have a frightening appearance similar to a spider. Their appearance is often enough to convince to take action. Certain species of the crickets can damage fabric, so consider pest control to remove the insects from the home before any damage takes place. 

Reduce Mosquito Populations
Mosquitos prove how important it is for people to make certain they practice good drainage control outside the home and inside. Mosquitos flourish in warm and humid environments, so they are always a risk in Virginia. Unfortunately, it is very easy for a yard to become especially inviting to mosquito swarms.

Mosquitos seek puddles and standing water because it is where they lay their eggs. Homeowners need to remove toys, tires, and buckets that can hold water. Clean clogged gutters and address low spots in the yard where water collects during rainy weather. Mosquitos can easily get inside a home and become a constant annoyance for humans and pets.

Stop Mice Infestations
Many homeowners only concentrate on food storage to avoid mice. Rodents swarm areas where they can find abundant food, but they also need water. It is equally possible that a home could suddenly experience an infestation of mice even if they store all their food securely.

A damp crawlspace or basement can offer water and shelter to mice. The only other worry for the rodent is what to eat. If food is available nearby, for example, a neighbor has chickens or leaves out pet food for stray cats, the mice can easily travel to eat and return home after.

Rodents chew on electrical wires, wood, and insulation and can spread a variety of dangerous diseases to pets and people. If cornered, it is also possible the animals could bite. Removal efforts for rodents should take place as soon as the homeowner notices any signs of their presence. Mice breed rapidly, so the population can quickly become overwhelming.

Prevent Swarming Springtails
Few people want to walk into a swarm of bugs in their home, but when dealing with springtails, this is a real possibility. The small pests jump when disturbed and can have populations high enough to create visible clouds of the insects. The pests can infest the home inside and out and prefer wet areas.

Springtails mature in as little as six weeks. The bugs breed easily and live inside for up to a year. The bodies of the dead pests become one of the biggest problems for homeowners. Their dead bodies often cover the surfaces of swimming pools or can build up around interior plumbing or wherever moisture exists inside. It is difficult to skim the small bugs out of water. 

Sometimes pest control is about more than using pesticides or traps. Correcting moisture issues in the home helps to discourage future infestations and makes it easier to stop ongoing problems. At E&R Exterminating Company, Inc, we offer moisture correction and pest removal so ending an infestation is easier than ever. Contact us for more information.
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