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Signs You Have Bed Bugs

Admin • May 5, 2020
Bed Bugs on Mattress — Newport News VA — E & R Exterminating Company, Inc.
Don't let the bed bugs bite is a popular expression that parents tell their little ones before they tuck them into bed. However, once you enter adulthood, bed bugs are a nuisance and a cause for concern. Unfortunately, you may pick them up when you travel, or they may hitchhike home with you when you're shopping at a store. You might not even realize you have them until your home has a complete infestation.

Understand the signs that bed bugs are present.
1. Bed Bug

When you find a bug, you should examine the pest. Sometimes, the critter isn't just a harmless insect.  

A bed bug is small and flat, generally around .2 inches long. This size is equivalent to an apple seed. Bed bugs have six legs and no wings. The adults are larger in size and brown while immature bed bugs are slightly lighter in color. The babies aren't larger enough to see without a microscope or magnifying glass.  

Bed bugs are most active at night. However, you may find them during the day feeding if they're hungry. 

Like their name suggests, a bed bug tends to hide in your bedding. You can find them anywhere in your home, though, including the following:
  • Clothing
  • Furniture 
  • Curtain folds
  • Appliances 
  • Loose wall hangings
They reproduce quickly, so once you find one or two, you might have more lurking throughout your home. One female may only lay one to three each day, but she's capable of laying between 200 to 500 in her lifetime. On average, a female bed bug lives between six to 12 months.
2. Bite Marks
Bed bugs feast on humans and other mammals. They suck their blood to acquire the nutrition they need to thrive. Once they bite, they'll leave marks because your skin reacts to their saliva. Generally, the bite marks look like flat, red welts. Often, bed bugs bite in a zig-zag pattern or a small clutter. However, you could also have bites in straight rows.

Since they tend to infest your bed and target you while you sleep, you'll usually find the bite marks on places where you have exposed skin, such as:
  • Hands
  • Arms
  • Neck
  • Face
  • Shoulders
  • Legs
The bites can make you itch. If you scratch them, you could develop an infection. They don't transmit disease to humans, though. 
3. Bed Bug Excretion in Your Bed

Examine your bed if you worry you have bed bugs. Once they feed off of a host, they excrete blood stains on your bed. These spots are small and resemble rust or tar spots. They're reddish-brown. Usually, you can find them near the edges and corners of your bed.

Throughout their lives, bed bugs molt, meaning they shed their outer shell. You may notice their exoskeletons on your bed.
4. Odor 

Bed bugs cause a stench in your home. They release pheromones that have a musty odor. Since these nuisances primarily remain in your bedroom, you might notice this unfamiliar scent in your bedroom.
5. Sleep Disruption

Since bed bugs are most active at night, especially because that’s their feeding time and you're their host, they might bite you while you sleep. You might wake up throughout the night feeling itchy.

Bed bugs are a problem that spreads rapidly. These parasites bite your family to feast and cause discomfort with each bite. They may even disrupt your sleep. While they don't spread disease, they're a problem you don't want in your home.

Schedule an appointment with E & R Exterminating Company, Inc, serving Newport News, VA, and the surrounding area, if you suspect you have bed bugs, call us today for an inspection and treatment.
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